God always talks to me on the trail. Perhaps it's the only time I'm quiet enough to listen.
When I began running last winter, I knew it would be beneficial for the body, but I had no idea what an investment I would be making in my soul. It seems that every step brings a thought, a prayer, a lesson, something gained in addition to exercise and decompression.
For a while now I've been feeling that gentle tug to sit down and put some of those lessons and thoughts on paper, or, to be more accurate, screen. Perhaps it's because I always process thoughts and feelings more thoughoughly on paper, or perhaps, it's because someone else would be blessed or benefited by sharing my journey.
A dear friend of mine describes blogging as, "verbal vomit," and in a way, I suppose he is right. The beauty of a blog, or someone elses vomit for that matter, is that you can choose to scroll right by or look away! If you choose to share in my typed upchucking (smiling as I write that), I hope that you will be uplifted and encouraged or perhaps challenged and prodded.
Too many people today do not know what 'quiet' is. Frantically texting or talking hoping to get some affirmative responces; they forget the most important affirmation. Their own or Gods (whatever is your belief)
ReplyDeleteIf this is considered upchucking, then maybe you should continue to consume that which brought you here.
[Deje Vu]