Today, for the 4th or 5th time (you'd think I'd learn) I ended up at my chiropractor's office begging advice and treatment for an injury that I have been 'round with the Dr. office about with no success. I've tried immobilizing my ankle, staying off my ankle, anti-inflammatories, etc. I always end up back with accupuncture, massage therapy, and chiropractic care after exhausting other resources.
See the difference is that the Dr. always wants to put a band-aid on it. Muscle relaxers and pain medicine for my back, surgery for carpel tunnel, more pain medicine for my headaches... but the alternative medicine remedies involve digging deep into the injury, discovering the source, and then working on it methodically until the problem is actually corrected, not just covered up. Sometimes it takes weeks, sometimes it's painful. It definitely requires patience and trust that the therapy, home treatment, and pain will pay off.
I have been told I should find a new job, change hobbies I love, stop using the offending area. That is something I don't hear from the alternative providers. They are interested in making me stronger and making my body whole again.
How often do we try to put a band-aid on other problems in our life? Avoid that person or situation, perhaps push issues or emotions down deep within so that we don't have to deal with them. Maybe we take a medicine or paste on a fake happy face? Perhaps we hide our true feelings and just become more frustrated with our lives.
How's that working for us?
There is value in being willing to endure some pain in route to healing, long-term recovery in looking deep within ourselves and considering change. There is hope in letting go and being honest about who we are and how we feel.
Perhaps it's time for a little alternative medicine and soul therapy, too.
Love it...